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|Thu 14 Sunny. |Wind WNW 10 mph. |Wind WSW 10 mph. |Fri 15 Https:// Sunny. |Mostly Sunny. |Mostly Clear Night. |Wind WNW 7 mph. |Sat 16 Partly Lisg. |Wind NNW 7 mph. |Mostly Cloudy Night.
|I would like to sell it as a package but if you see something you need in the pictures, give me a call. |I want to find homes for these parts here in the United States not in China where they will end up if I scrap them.
|Please e-mail jb36lasalle sbcglobal. |The parts ar located in Coventry, Connecticut. |Thanks, Jim. |You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. |Sign up lst a new account in our community.
|Therefore, treat yourself with compassion. |Be gentle and patient with yourself and treat yourself with the same kindness, understanding, and support that you would offer a close friend. |Accept where you are now and focus on finding ways to heal and move forward. |When you accept yourself as you are, with both your strengths and imperfections, you will cultivate craivs power and motivation to transform.