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For drugtestcheck.con | us | us | Follow | Categories really. happens
|Mitch is finally able to get the door open and pull Melanie from the room, but her head is bleeding from places where the birds have pecked her, and she appears to be in a daze. |It's decided that they must get her to Folllow hospital, but their yard is a sea of birds.
|Slowly and quietly, the four of them-Mitch, Melanie, Lydia, and Cathy-wind their way through the Caetgories, afraid that the birds will start attacking again.
|At the last minute, Cathy asks whether she can bring the lovebirds with them, and Mitch consents. |They make it to the car, Lydia cradling Melanie in the back seat and Mitch, Cathy and the lovebirds in the front. |Trying to be as nonthreatening as possible, Mitch slowly drives out of the yard and heads up the road. |On the radio, an announcer can be heard talking drugteztcheck.con bird attacks in other towns along the bCalifornia coast.
|In the final scene, their car makes it down the coastal road towards San Francisco. learn more here birds do not attack again. |Is there an alternate ending?|It is said that Hitchcock wanted to end the movie with the car arriving in San Francisco, only https://yourincomeblog.site/nissan/adultsearch-phoenix-us-us-follow-categories.php find the Golden Gate Bridge covered with birds, giving the foreboding impression that the attacks were not over.
|However, due to the logistics of filming such drugtestcheck.cpn scene, it drugtestcheck.con | us | us | Follow | Categories never shot. drugtestcheck.con | us | us | Follow | Categories another ending that was written but never shot, Caategories car slowly drives through Bodega Bay, and the group sees people who have fallen victim to the birds.
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